December 31, 2020

As One Family We Care and Love Just Like Sanofi WeHealth

With the world’s famous-proverb concerning health, we will always hear this statement “Health Is Wealth!” It is the most valuable and precious meaning of one’s life of having a good health, not just an absence of disease in the body but a complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well-being of an individual.

But how can we live a life free from any Chronic Illnesses? Well, we need to live a healthy lifestyle of course. But sadly, even if how careful we are on what we are eating, sleeping on the right time, doing some exercises, we cannot deny the fact that sometimes we can inherit those illnesses through bloodlines. So, let us always keep our family’s heart healthy, our #PanataNgPamilya as we appreciate and safeguard the gift of health especially this Holiday Season so that we can enjoy the Holidays with our love ones.

A month ago, I was a bit scared since I was experiencing shortness of breath, I cannot have considered it as COVID since I didn’t experience any flu-like symptoms or what, but instead, I wanted to visit my Cardiologist for a check-up. Why Cardio? Because we have it in our bloodline, all of my grandfather’s siblings died due to cardiac arrest. Sometimes, I would entertain the fact that maybe I am already experiencing hypertension. But again, I didn’t bother to visit the hospital because of these invisible enemies that we are facing-COVID 19 virus.

Years ago, I was already introduced about telemedicine. During this pandemic, this innovation of doctors to be always connected with their patients even if they are at home is one of the best way to contain the virus. It’s the new normal thing.  So thankful that SANOFI WeHealth services was provided -an eHealth ecosystem to build a healthier Philippines! Thanks be to God, what I was experiencing was just a work related STRESS.

I should be very careful with my health, since my mom and dad are now having their maintenance due to hypertension. We need to be reminded that this is not just a simple disease, but this kind of disease if left undiagnosed can contribute to asymptomatic organ damage and above all it can leads to death. We need to value our health, our family and loved-ones and that’s SANOFI’s advocacy is all about…chronic disease awareness and they are committed to bridge the gap between Filipinos and Healthcare.


#PanataNgPamilya #PanatangSanofi.

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