Medicines are considered nowadays as one of the most important necessity in our lives. Why? Because it uses to maintain our health. It's not just a cure for a certain disease but for prevention as well.
Good thing United Home offers their new products in the market from Vitamins, Women's Health, Prevention & Cure and even Skin Care. Just make sure you have these products in your home too!
Prevention & Cure
Generic Name: Carbocisteine
Format: Capsule
Configuration: 10 Blister Packs x 10 capsules
What is the medicine used for?
• Relief of cough characterized by excessive or
sticky sputum or phlegm
• Help treat respiratory tract disorders such as
acute or chronic bronchitis and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Each Tablet contains: Carbocisteine 500mg
SRP: P 4.50