Few things are more
frustrating than spilling something on your wood furniture and having to deal
with the resulting stain. Simply wiping the wood down with conventional
cleaners will almost never do the trick, and using too much water can actually
make the situation worse.
Furthermore, improper
scrubbing or wiping the wood with the wrong materials can cause further damage,
which may be irreparable if the wood is degraded or the stains reach far enough
below the polish. Fortunately, if you haven't yet ruined the stained spot with
a failed cleaning attempt, it is relatively easy to remove both light water
stains and dark iron stains from wood furniture using the following techniques:
Removing Light-Colored Water Stains
First, if you have
white stains on your wood furniture, try rubbing some mineral oil onto the spot
using a soft cloth. Let the oil sit on the spot overnight, and if it appears to
be working the next morning then repeat with another rubbing.
If the stain has been
absorbed into the wood's finish but has not yet made its way into the wax
layer, and mineral oil isn't getting the job done, then rubbing the areas with
mineral spirits on a soft cloth may work. Be sure to wear gloves while doing
this in an area with good ventilation. If the mineral spirits get rid of the
stain but leave the spot looking duller than the rest of the wood, then cover
the furniture’s surface entirely with mineral spirits and then apply a coat of
good quality polish formulated for wood furniture.
If mineral spirits
aren't effective, try rubbing the spot with a mixture of baking soda and
toothpaste. Rub with the grain until the discoloration is diminished and then
clean the spot with an oil soap. Sometimes it can take a couple applications of
this mixture before the stain will start to come out. Once the stain is gone, use furniture wax to coat the wood.
Use Sandpaper to Remove Dark Stains

Next the stain itself
should be sanded with the sandpaper (#150-grit) and here the edges can be
feathered with fine steel wool. Once the stain has been sanded out, use a tack
cloth to eliminate the dust from sanding, and then put on varnish, just a
couple thin coats, that will blend the sanded spot to the original finish. The
edges of the newly varnished area should be feathered to smooth out the
difference between the new and old varnish. Finally, polish the wood with a high quality
Removing Dark Brown or Black Iron
Stains With Bleach

Next comes the waiting
game. Let the bleach sit on the stain for a time, a few hours is recommended.
The spot will slowly begin to fade to the original color. Check on the stain
periodically, and once the color of the wood has been restored to its original
state, wipe the area clean with a wet sponge to prevent excessive bleaching and
After cleaning the
bleach off you'll need to counteract the chemicals on the area by applying
vinegar. After allowing the wood to dry, the wood can be stained if needed.
Finally, apply a few light coats of varnish to the spot, smooth the edges of
the varnish with #1000-grit sandpaper, and wax the entire surface with a wood
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