August 26, 2010

Custom Poker Tables: Choosing the Right Felt

If you are on the lookout for custom poker tables, then one of the most important things that you should know is that the most integral part of these tables is the felt cloth on top of it. This is the playing surface where cards are dealt and where chips are placed when a player makes a bet. The felt you choose not only determines how the table looks, but determines how well the cards slide across it.

Of course, one of the things that will influence your decision when buying a poker table is the color of the felt. They come in different colors. Some felts even have designs. If you are a football fan for example, then you can get a felt with the name of your favorite team on it. The general rule though, is to choose a felt that would blend with your house and with the other furniture in it. If the table doesn't coordinate with your home, your wife won't be happy about your purchase. If you want a unique-looking felt, then you will be delighted to know that you can also customized it along with other parts of your table. You even have the option of putting your name on it if you want.

Of course, design is just one aspect of a good felt. The felt has to feel good and of course, it has to facilitate the game. Believe or not, the felt on the table can either enhance or ruin a poker game. Keep in this mind if you are planning to buy a table. Do not scrimp on a poker table especially on the felt. If you really love poker, then you should already know how important felt is to the game.

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