Twelve days more to go then it’s Christmas Eve. Whew! Time flies really so fast! It’s just like I have sent my relatives their Christmas Cards a while ago. lolz! Actually I was being reminded by my father two days ago to buy some Christmas cards for my relatives across the miles. Oh my I really forgot to buy them in advance that is why I am giving my dad and idea of sending them also an e-card.
Okay fine I just went to the mall today and bought some Christmas Cards for my family abroad. I guess I can send it through ordinary mail two days from now and for sure they will be able to receive it early of January next year! Anyway it’s better late than never! But still I have to send them an e-card also. Guess what? As I was browsing the net, I was able to hop in this site of Gift Card Mall. So happy to see different Bass Pro Gift Card to choose from and what nice in there is their catch that if you choose the first Class Mail option when you check-out your order then you can ship your holiday gift cards for free. Take note the word FREE. Hmmmm sounds interesting for me since the card will be delivered on time if I’ll be able to buy it before December 15.
No hassle free just visit So I guess I need to pick now different designs and have the personalized photo card to Bass Pro Shops. Worry no more and take advantage of this holiday deals. An easy solution on finding your best Christmas gift right for your loved-ones just on time!
Okay fine I just went to the mall today and bought some Christmas Cards for my family abroad. I guess I can send it through ordinary mail two days from now and for sure they will be able to receive it early of January next year! Anyway it’s better late than never! But still I have to send them an e-card also. Guess what? As I was browsing the net, I was able to hop in this site of Gift Card Mall. So happy to see different Bass Pro Gift Card to choose from and what nice in there is their catch that if you choose the first Class Mail option when you check-out your order then you can ship your holiday gift cards for free. Take note the word FREE. Hmmmm sounds interesting for me since the card will be delivered on time if I’ll be able to buy it before December 15.

1 comment:
Good for you you've already sent Christmas cards...
By the way sis will you help me win for a cause sa Artscow Photo Contest? Here's how:
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Happy Christmas!
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