As we see the condition of the fallen world and the lost-ness of the people who surround us, let's ask God to give us a heart that mirrors the heart of Christ- a heart that weeps with Him for a lost world and then reaches out to them in love.
-Bill Crowder-
-Bill Crowder-
Teach me to love, this is my prayer-
May the compassion of Thy heart I share;
Ready a cup of water to give,
May I unselfishly for others live.
photos from sagip KapamilyaMay the compassion of Thy heart I share;
Ready a cup of water to give,
May I unselfishly for others live.
True compassion is love in action!
...so let us go hand-in-hand and have the heart like Christ as we extend our help to hose who where affected with the Typhoon Ondoy!
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