Yeah! I'm really missing it... I just thought of giving another day for myself in the salon maybe tomorrow if I do have enough time. It's been a while that I have not done my "pedi-mani" sessions and have my hair trimming in my fave salon @ 'Iya's Haven!

just do it sister, and have a good night Values Reviews, Business
nice sis! ganda ng color ng nail polish..bagay sa iyo..nice
ka arte jud ani ni badang oi.. hehe, nice imo nails mem..
mem wa man ka ni comment sa blogversary sa Mi mundo del amor , ikaw ra ba ako mentor.. hehe
Sis oi kanindot ba sa atong kamot diha..mao raba ni sinugdanan na nivisit ko sa imo site kay naibog ko sa imo kamot...LOL! Waz mana diri sis oi I mean the first time I have pedi-mani here gi humol raman ako tiil oi ug acetone, wala sab sila diri kaha pusher..mantinir nalang ko ani nailcutter...
BTW sis, got awards for you here:
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