February 7, 2009

Spread the LOVE Giveaways!

The contest queen Mommy Gen is holding another blog contest in celebrating the LOVE month of February. It's just so simple and no sweat at all! Here's the prizes andthe generous sponsors below:

Ist Prize: $30 + 20,500 EC

2nd Prize: $20 + 19,000 EC

3rd Prize: $15 + 15,000 EC

4rth Prize: $10 + 13,000 EC

5TH Prize: $5 + 11,000 EC

6TH Prize: 9,000 EC

7TH Prize: 8,000 EC

8TH Prize: 7,000 EC

9TH Prize: 6,000 EC

10TH Prize: 5,000 EC

Consolation Prizes:

1. 1,000 EC + ad space

2. 1,000 EC + ad space

3. 1,000 EC + ad space

4. 1,000 EC + ad space

5. 1,000 EC + ad space

6. 1,000 EC + ad space

7. 800 EC + ad space

8. 600 EC + ad space

9. 300 EC + ad space

10. 300 EC + ad space


To know more about the mechanics, feel free to visit HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for joining....
