She's Elaine, my office mate and my new blogger friend. Actually our office just this afternoon had experienced a power interruption. Our boss who happened to be in Bohol for the closing of books called her up to finish some financial reports. The interruption was really a bad timing for her. So, what she did was she asked for a candle and then lit it up. The room was so dark and yet she still continued the errand that was assigned for her. Unfortunately she was not able to accomplish it at 5pm due to the disruptor's around her. LOL!

hahaha...i was astound seeing my picture na too serious kaayo nag work. Nagkandila ba ang beauty...:) thanks mommy phebie for featuring me on your cutie blog...:) *muahh*
taympa sa ..karon pako kahibalo bah na kauban ra mo ni laine. i thought she's from Manila...he..he...
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