The Ugly Duckling

Ever since I was a kid, I always heard from someone else telling me that I look very different from my siblings. Maybe I have a low bridged nose and not that pleasing physical attributes to their standards comparing to my sisters and brother. Deep inside I was really hurt, got a low self esteem, to the point that I would question myself If am I really their sister. (LOL!) One thing's for sure that God made me perfectly and wonderfully. As I grow maturely I know God has blessed me that much, among the four I was the only one with a good scholastic record till my graduate years. Glory to God! NOW? I gain my self confidence a lot, have a blissful marriage with a beautiful and a lovely daughter. As the story told: "the ugly duckling turn to be the a beautiful swan".
The Benefactors:
Hello Mommy Phebie! nice pics you got here.. I guess your greatest achievement is being a mom, don't you agree?
God bless mommy!
You might want to drop by my place. Here's my entry for this week:
Then and Now
Thanks mommy!
hello mommy, it's nice to see a photo of u on how u turned into a very beautiful swan. :)
Wow!! still lovely mama!!
Pinaymama's Diary
A Mother's Journal
Simple Life, Simply Me
Life Expressions
Asawa's Love Book
Pinay in States
Yeah, I get teased before by my sisters that I'm adopted too. LOL! Glad God gave you back your confidence. He is a good God!
I miss Thea sooooo badly!
nice momma talaga..
Beauty of Life
Starts at Two
Money Maker
Hi Mommy! It's definitely not good to compare children especially when they're still kids...
I'm so happy you gained self confidence and became a beautiful swan inside and out!
Check out my Now & Then entry HERE
Totally a Hot Momma;)
Results are out here ;)
congrats po!! :d
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