Financial crises have come and gone, but God’s people who truly trust the Lord have prospered both in times of plenty and in times of lack! God Almighty wants to prosper and bless us. That is God’s plan for us. All He is looking for is our obedience.
Giving to the work of the Lord is the secret to abundance! When we join hands with Jesus Christ and give to His work—spreading His Gospel to the ends of the earth—He has guaranteed that we cannot and will not lack financially!
All we have to do is to secure our present and future, and give to the Lord’s work and let our faith be established in God’s Word. The Lord even promises to bless and prosper and protect our children and our children’s children.
All we have to do is to secure our present and future, and give to the Lord’s work and let our faith be established in God’s Word. The Lord even promises to bless and prosper and protect our children and our children’s children.
God has an answer to the looming financial crisis. Give today to the Lord, for surely He will fulfill His Word! Honor Him today with your substance. Honor Him with the firstfruits of all your increase. And He promises in His eternal Word that your barns will be filled with plenty and your presses will burst out with new wine!
amen to that, phebie...we have to remember that God will always be bigger than our problems. Ako, whenever I face difficulties or problems, I always pray and thank God because I know that he watches over us and that He is always in control.
According to some term paper writers
that God will not give problem that doesn't have any solution.
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