October 31, 2008
I will be out....

October 30, 2008
Pink Sisterhood
~~Start Here~~

Made to Measure Fashion Suits
I remember the time when I got married 3 years ago, my husband was wearing a black suit. It is a fact that it is not only the bride that will look so fabulous and beautiful that day but also the groom as well should look so handsome in their on style of suit. As to my case, I don’t want him to wear the traditional Barong Tagalog (Philippines National Costume) because I want him to have an identity between his groom’s men. I was planning to have him a made-to-measure suit for the wedding day. Unfortunately, there was a notion in mind that Made-To-Measure suits are so expensive indulgence reserved only for the wealthy. So I ended up renting his Black Suit for the wedding.
MySuit is a global company with over 40 years of manufacturing and retail experience. It is a new technology and fine craftsmanship that have come together creating an exciting new process that allows manufacturing truly made-to-measure suits at off-the-rack prices and turn-around times. One can have their own styles and fit in their favorite fabric! A Made-To-Measure suit is all about fit and fluidity of motion. It moves with you, enhancing your stance, your posture and even your gait. Additionally, because it is comfortable and conforms naturally to your shape, a Made-To-Measure suit offers its wearer a relaxed and confident appearance. You wear the suit, it never wears you.

I would highly recommend this site for my friends who are planning to get married early of year 2009. You can make an appointment right on the web to have measurements taken at their mid-town store…They will help you design your own suit…Two week turn-around time …It is very affordable and it cost only at a very low price of $495-$2,000.

October 29, 2008
3 Great Breakfast-Drink Choices

Try one of these morning favorites. They taste great and do stuff like relieve achy joints, fend off insulin problems, and boost your brainpower.
Orange juice: A study showed that joint inflammation may be less likely in middle-aged people whose diets are rich in beta-cryptoxanthin. And oranges are brimming with it -- as well as anti-inflammatory vitamin C.
Coffee: Researchers think the brew may improve insulin sensitivity. Men in a study who quaffed four 8-ounce cups a day had a whopping one-third reduction in type 2 diabetes risk.
Apple juice: This sweet drink is swimming with the brain-boosting chemical acetylcholine, which feeds memory and juices up learning skills.
iLASIK Info!
It runs in the blood as they said! Most of our family members may it be in the immediate family or even my relatives are wearing glasses and contact lenses. One has to wear it so that one can see and read clearly. Sad to say that it’s part of their daily lives, they can’t go out from the house without using it. I even have a grandmother who is in the
October 27, 2008
God's Answer to the Looming Financial Crisis

Financial crises have come and gone, but God’s people who truly trust the Lord have prospered both in times of plenty and in times of lack! God Almighty wants to prosper and bless us. That is God’s plan for us. All He is looking for is our obedience.
All we have to do is to secure our present and future, and give to the Lord’s work and let our faith be established in God’s Word. The Lord even promises to bless and prosper and protect our children and our children’s children.
God has an answer to the looming financial crisis. Give today to the Lord, for surely He will fulfill His Word! Honor Him today with your substance. Honor Him with the firstfruits of all your increase. And He promises in His eternal Word that your barns will be filled with plenty and your presses will burst out with new wine!
October 23, 2008
A. Attached or single? Attached
B. Best friend? Marichu
C. Cake or pie? Cake!
D. Day of choice? Sunday
E. Essential item? nothing essential at all
F. Favorite color? nature color- Green
G. Gummy bears or worms? gummy bears nalang oi!
H. Hometown? Misamis Occidental
I. Favorite indulgence? Blogging
J. January or July? Neither! I want October...
K. Kids? only 1
L. Life isn’t complete without? My family of course!
M. Marriage date? October 7
N. Number of magazine subscriptions: not into!
O. Oranges or apples? Apple
P. Phobias? Frogs....ewww
Q. Quotes? Creating the outcomes you want, regardless of the circumstances!
R. Reasons to smile? My daughter Danielle
S. Season of choice? Summer time
T. Tag 5 people. Shelo, Shela, Aisha, Maya & Bogie
U. Unknown fact about me? Can be trusted!
V. Vegetable? Squash, Pechay & some green leafy veges
W. Worst habit? pulling off my baby/damaged hair...az n!
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y. Your favorite foods? Seafoods!
Z. Zodiac sign? Aquarius
October 22, 2008
LP Saver™ USB Turntable
This unique USB turntable allows you to convert your old vinyl collection directly to CD or MP3 quickly and easily. It plugs directly into your computer using the included USB cable. In addition, it comes complete with dustcover, and all cables are included.
This is a great way to bring some of your favorite records into the digital age! Hurry buy now!

Love Never Fails!
True love never gives up, it never fails!
WhiteWall Art Gallery

Their 110% price match guarantee lets their valued customers know that they're always offering the lowest price possible. If anyone of you find a better deal anywhere on the web just simply email them the lower price you've got and they'll beat it by 10% with no questions asked!
To those who love wall arts, it's time for you to go shop with confidence! Don't forget to check back every morning for their "Steal of the Day" art specials.

First Giveaway
First Prize:
- Custom Design of Your Blog with:
- customized header
- either three or two columns
- 125x125 Entrecard/Grab-Link To Me logo with code
- a mini-digi scrap of your photo posted on the page
- any special request
{This comes with installation too providing I would have to login as you in your account so the work can be done.}
Note: First Prize is open to account with BLOGGERS only.
Second Prize:
- customized header
- 125x125 Entrecard/Grab-Link To Me logo with code
{No installation required but you have to provide me the exact size of your header before hand}
Third Prize:
- $8.00 cash transferred to your Paypal account
- $5.00 cash transferred to your Paypal account
- a 125x125 Entrecard logo (excluding code)
How to join:
1. Spread the word about this contest and on Nov 10th she will announce the lucky winners.
2. Leave her a comment with your post link.
Isn't it great? It's very simple and you will receive a nicest prizes ever. Join now......
October 21, 2008
Digicamera Mania
Here are the prizes:
Contest Starts On : October 15
Contest Open Till : November 25
Want to know the steps on how to join? Click here.
October 20, 2008
Chocolate: Great for your Skin

The secret to this easy recipe? Heat it slowly. Slow heat helps release the antioxidants.
The Ingredients
1 1/2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder with 70% or more cacao (such as Scharffen Berger natural cocoa powder or Ghirardelli unsweetened cocoa)
2 teaspoons sugar
Pinch of salt
1 cup skim or low-fat milk
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and heat gently (do not let it boil), stirring frequently, until cocoa is just beginning to steam. Pour into a mug and enjoy.
City of Golden Friendship & Smile
Here's her question. “There are two cities in the Philippines that are called the City of Smiles and the City of Golden Friendship. What are the names of these cities?”

City of Smiles – Bacolod City
City of Golden Friendship – Cagayan de Oro City
October 19, 2008
Personalized Flash Drives: A Perfect Gift
Don't you know that it is also a perfect gift for someone since it is very helpful to once life as a student, as a worker and even our own lifestyle needs it. Another thing that makes it more exciting is, it can be made personalized whatever you wanted.
There are top 10 Reasons to Give a Personalized Thumb Drive
1. The New Brag Book
2. Organization Is The Key To Success
3. Share Music
4. Be A Corporate Big Shot
5. Multi-Media Love
6. The New Mix CD
7. Portable Library
8. Build Customer Loyalty
9. Network And Be Remembered
10. For The Person Who Has Everything
* Your choice of 14 colors
* FREE Laser engraving on BOTH sides!
* Choose from one of our 32 exciting Themes such as "#1 Teacher", "Sports" or "Butterflies"
* Personalize the back with two lines of text
* Available in 512MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB capacities
* Hi-Speed USB 2.0
* One piece, standard shipping only $4.65! 20 cents each additional drive.
512MB - $9.99 | 1GB - $11.99 | 2GB - $16.99 | 4GB - $24.99 | 8GB - $34.99 | 16GB - $69.99
Find out more. There is NO MINIMUM ORDERS at low shipping costs. So what are you waiting for?... buy now!

October 15, 2008
1 year Blogversary Contest!
Pinaymama's Diary
A Mother's Journal
Simple Life, Simply Me
Life Expressions
Asawa's Love Book
Pinay in States
The following are the sponsors of this contest:
Beauty of Life | Praning's Shoutout| Starts at Two | The Money Maker | A mother of yesterday, today & tomorrow| San Diego w/ Love | Beauty is in the eye of the beholder | Tips & Experiences | Biz-N-Honey | Mommy Earns Money Online | Pinay Mommy Online | Micsart | Twinkletoe Writing Space | Everything Has A Reason | Life's All About
To be qualify for the giveaway, just follow these simple steps:
1. Blog about the contest, don't forget to grab the badge and direct link to http://gardenofmoments.com. A few sentence will do. At the bottom of your post, don't forget to link all of my blogs, as well as the sponsor's blogs and their individual links.
2. Subscribe to Pinaymama's Diary feeds via email. (see top left sidebar)
4. Fave this blog in Technorati (see top left sidebar)
3. Leave the direct link of your post in the comment section as well as the blogs where you posted the contest.
4. 1 point, 1 entry, the more entry you have the more chances of winning
5. All entries must be submitted before or on October 31st, 12 am (EST). I will announce the winner in November 1, 2008 EST.
If you want to know more of the prizes, just click here. So what are you waiting for? Blog now and win!
Fun fun fun with RD
A childhood memories will be incomplete if there were no enjoyments. Not just them who will enjoy such but even as adult as we are we'd love to do some fun too. I remember my childhood days playing board games with my cousins and siblings as one way of distressing from school. I was more on an academe person- I did not really enjoy those days having fun with those friends of mine from the outside. Most of my days were spent on my academics, church, and then home. But then, I enjoyed playing those board games that we had, it helped me a lot to increase my word vocabulary at a very young age. I'd love to play the crossword puzzle, boggle games, scrabble, millionaire’s games and other more.
Stand-up Videos
Funny Cartoons
I encourage you to check out and download the widgets as well - it's easy!

Three Years!

"Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds" which means love does not change with circumstances in which I truly believes. As a couple, we live this verse in us that "Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation of shifting shadows". God never changes, and neither does His love for us. We are the recipients of a perfect love from our Heavenly Father, who has loved us "with an everlasting love". Thank God for your goodness and faithfulness in our lives.
Theatre Church Experience
I am proud to say that I am a province girl who grew up in a born-again Christian family and I am really an avid church goer. Ever since I was a kid I joined Children’s Sunday’s School and even until my Christ Ambassadors days. When the time we move to the city, that’s the time I experience to attend services in a big/huge church. There was really a big difference between a province and a city church. The congregation itself are so many as well as the instruments are all complete. The time we had our church thanksgiving we held it in a movie theatre and it was so amazing, it was a great experience that I had. I remember that this was the time we had our Kids Praise presentation. It was so fun, the all the comfy cushioned seats were all taken, the room was so cold and everybody was there so focused on us as we performed. By the time we had our praise and worship, Oh God! It was another great experience; it was so nice to hear the complete seats of instruments that are so soothing to the ears. It is also nice to listen as the Pastor is delivering his words with the excellent sound system that was so different from the service in a traditional church.

October 8, 2008
Vows to Cherish!
Phebie, my honey, my love...as we stand before both God and man making public our commitment to one another, I wish to make it known that I recognize God’s authority over my life which is exercised from His loving heart. He has chosen me to be one of His own, and has since been my life. I recognize also that He has blessed me, and entrusted to me your life as an unearned gift. In recognition of these things, I, Neil, take you, Phebie, to be my wife. I purpose to love you with His love, to provide for your needs through His enablement, and to lead you as He leads me, as long as He gives me life, regardless of circumstances. Phebie, I look forward to establishing a home where Christ is glorified. Toward that end I promise to allow God to use you in my life as He sees best in building me into His person. I thank Him for your love and friendship.
October 6, 2008
Media Influence!
Last week I was so shocked as in again, why? she was watching the movie Terminator III from the beginning till end together with his dad. I was put into sleep while both of them enjoyed the movie. I can't imagine how young is my daughter to be addicted with movies like this. Seldom you can see a 2 year old kid who who can finish a whole movie (a science fiction) without being disturbed. Oh no! this is not good anymore! What should I do especially that I can't be with her all the time since I am a working mom?
Huge Entrecard Contest!
Freebie Reporter is giving away more than 70,000 Entrecard Credits and lots of other great prizes. I guess no one would be aiming for the consolation prize but all of us wanted to have the first prize of course of 30,000 Entrecard Credits. This is really a huge contest! Below are the prizes as well as the sponsors.
1st Prize:
30,000EC from Freebie Reporter
125×125 ad for a month from The Asian Economist
125×125 ad for a month from Free Famous Quotes
1 VIP membership to CreateBanner.com
1 Entrecard banner design from A Phone Sex Life
2nd Prize:
20,000EC from Freebie Reporter
1 VIP membership to CreateBanner.com
125×125 banner ad for a month from Journal Of Journey
125×125 banner ad for a month from Charcotrip travel blog
1 month blogroll link from A Phone Sex Life
3rd Prize
2000EC from Today’s Games
2000EC from Debit vs Credit
2000EC from People You Need to Know
1500EC from Positive Thinking
2000EC from Realm of Prosperity
1500EC from NickThrolson
1000EC from Fantasy Baseball
125×125 ad for 3 months from Cash Advance Blog
1 VIP membership to CreateBanner.com
Other Prizes:
EC Credits:
14 Lucky winners will get 1000 credits from one of our fabulous sponsors:
1000EC from Michael Aulia
1000EC from Øblog
1000EC from Better Inspirational Communication
1000EC from Random Detox
1000EC from Multiply Themes
1000EC from Momawannabe
1000EC from Singaporean In London
1000EC from Abhishek
1000EC from SEMscoop.com
1000EC from A Second Cup
1000EC from Kutsara at Tinidor
1000EC from Ohio Real Estate
1000EC from MonkeyChapps
1000EC from Today’s Games
4 Lucky winners will get premium advertising spots from the following bloggers:
125×125 ad for a month from Positive Thinking
125×125 ad for a month from Gift Reviews
1 month blogroll link from Freebie Reporter
125×125 ad for a month from Freebie Reporter
That’s a total of 21 prizes that will be distributed between the people who participate in the contest.All the winners will be picked by using the random list generator at random.org .
Win $200 Plus Worth of Prizes!
Here are the PRIZES as well as the SPONSORS:
First Prize
$ 40 from Yennygirl
$ 10 and 500 EC From Swept Away
2000 EC from Indo Contest
1000 EC from Affiliatizer
1000 EC from ThemeLib
125×125 ad for one month from Wonderful Things in Life
125×125 ad for one month from Creative in Me
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Second Prize
$10 from Yennygirl
$10 from My Happy Place
$10 from Suburban Sass
2000 EC Credits from WordPress for Beginners
1000 EC from When Silence Speaks
1000 EC from Wiehanne Lounge
125×125 ad for one month from Music of My Heart
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Third Prize
$10 from Fab Finds, Etc.
$10 from I AM DZOI
$10 from Mommy Talks. Wife Stories
1000 EC points from Wonderful Things in Life
1000EC points from Heart Random
125×125 ad for one month from LittlePeanut
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Fourth Prize
$5 and 500 EC From Official Chosen Fate
$ 8 and 200 EC from Walk on Red
$5 from Living the Healthy Life
1000 EC from Etc-Atbp.
125×125 ad for one month from Around the World
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
Fifth Prize
$ 5 from Stripe and Yellow
$ 5 from Doll Me Up
300 EC From The Scrapaholic Me
200 EC From It’s Where My Heart Is
125×125 ad for one month from Blogging for Bloggers
125×125 ad for one month from Pea in a Pod
RSS Text Link for one month from Blog for Beginners
Symphony of Love Pictorial Ebook of Love Quotations
~{values at $6.95} from Symphony of Love
1. Subscribe to my feed via email located right top most (Required) - 1 Entry
2. Blog about the contest along with the Prizes and Sponsors {You MUST include the Prizes and Sponsors}- 5 Entries
- If you have multiple blogs, much better. Each blog post along with the Prizes and Sponsors is 5 Entries.
3. Add me in your Technorati. I have tons of blogs so, each blog counts as 1 Entry.
4. Digg, Stumble, Technorati Fave, Delicious and Reddit this contest- 1 entry each
5. Leave a comment in this post telling me what you did. 1 Entry.
6. Comment to any of my post. From October 1 to October 25 and you’ll have 1 entry each comment.
The Contest Ends on the 24th of October so if you wish to participate you must enter before that date. Winners will be announced a week after so that will be October 31st! And also, winners will be picked through Random.org!
Advance Christmas Giveaways!
We're counting the days..it's 79 days, 23 hours and 42 minutes to be exact from the time I wrote this blog before Christmas. Guess what? even if that day is yet to come, Mommy Gen is giving out giveaways in advance for Christmas.
Here are the prizes and the sponsors as well:
1st Prize
$15 thru PayPal - My Endless Thoughts & Simple World of Haze
5,000 EC - History And Travel
customized blog header - Designs By Vhiel
1,000 EC plus 125X125 Ad for 1 month - The Pinay Blogger
1,000 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 month - Momma Wannabe
125x125 ad for 1 month - ThereisHappiness.com
125X125 ad for 1 month - When SAHM-one Speaks
2nd Prize
$10 thru PayPal - Wonderful Things In Life
1,000 EC plus 125x125 ad for 2 weeks - Praning's Shoutout
1,000 EC - My Collection
1,000 EC - Regalo ng Diyos(God's gift)
1,000 EC - What A World
1,000 EC - Heartrandom.com
125X125 ad for 1 month - Photography, Travel and Life
125x125 ad for 1 month - Aerin Collections
3rd Prize
$5 thru paypal - Beauty Of Life
500 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 month - Life Expressions
500 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 month - Pinaymama's Diary
500 EC plus 125x125 Ad for 1 month - Mommy Earns Money Online
500 EC plus 125X125 for lifetime - Starts at Two
500 EC - Pinay Mommy Online
500 EC - Lourdes' Mia
500 EC - Wonderful Things In Life
125X125 ad for 1 month - When Silence Speaks
125X125 ad for 1 month - That blog 4 me
4rth Prize
500 EC plus 125X125 Ad for lifetime - The Money Maker
500 EC - OnlineBiz and Resources
500 EC - Blessings and Beyond
500 EC - Welcome To My World
500 EC - Brown Pinay
300 EC - A Message From My Heart
125X125 ad for 1 month - A Mother's Journal
125x125 ad for 1 month - Twins Happiness
5th Prize
500 EC - Digital Life Scraps
500 EC - Pheandy's Blog
300 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 week - It's My Party
300 EC - My Little Home
300 EC - Thoughts Of Mine!
125X125 ad for 1 month - The Fashop
125X125 ad for 1 month - Etcetera atbp
100 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 month - Wonderful things In Life
100 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 month - The Joy Of Life Forever
100 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 month - My Life's Adventure
100 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 month - The Fountain Of Happiness
100 EC plus 125X125 ad for 1 month - A Message From My Heart
The contest will officially start today October 6 and ends until October 20. Mommy Gen will declare the winner October 21. So what are you waiting for? For more info on how to join just pay a visit to Wonderful things in Life. Enjoy and tell your friends to join.
October 3, 2008
Handbag for Free!

or this?... (which I love the most!)

Absolutely no catch- no shipping/handling fees required. It's totally for free. So join now.
1st Mindanao Bloggers Summit!
Spotlight Mindanao:Blogging for Culture, Identity & Understanding
Date: 27 October 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Venue: 4th Floor, NCCC Mall, Ma-a, Davao City
Registration Fee: FREE!(Instead, you’re required to post on your blog that you intend to join the Summit. Instructions are emailed after registration.)
Organized by The Usual Suspects
So to all Mindanaoans out there feel free to visit the Mindanao Bloggers.
October 2, 2008
PMC's Week 16 Photo Post: Then and Now!
The Ugly Duckling