I just noticed that how time really flies so fast. Ber months is already in the air. I can hear Christmas songs played in the malls and even the cool breeze that we feel.
I can't imagine that a month and 3 days from now to be exact will be the 2nd birthday of our daughter Danielle and at the same time our blissful 3rd wedding anniversary day. So excited to celebrate this double special events in our lives. We planned to have a short vacation
God-willing after the said event to have our second honeymoon in Bohol. Hopefully it will pushed through since my college friends will be with us that time and until now they can't fix the date because of our unmet schedules. My husband and I agreed that no matter what will happen, we will go. Huh? It's too expensive if we will go their without them since we can lessen our expenses if we will avail a group package. We will still pray for them to fix their mind.

As to my daug
hter's event, months ago we planned not to give her a birthday party since we will be having our vacation. But since my daughter nowadays loves to look at her album with her picture blowing her 1st birthday cake, wanted to have a balloon every time we're out in a mall, afraid of mascots when it's near but love to stare if its far from her. Because of this, it made me to plan and decide as well to give her a simple birthday party with my family and close friends. As of now, am quite busy looking for her party dress. I wanted her to dress like a Princess again, but I'm confused as to what to wear...may it be Alice in the wonderland or Cinderella? Please help me decide for this so that I can buy the cloth the soonest.

I'll go for a cinderella dress :)
she'll be pretty Princess if she'll wear cinderalla dress ^^
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