July 28, 2008
Anger Management

July 25, 2008
My First, My Last and My Now
* First name: Phebie Anne
* First screen name: ladylove
* First funeral: Tyrone's Grandma (if I'm not mistaken)
* First kiss: Nyeeksss..I won't tell coz I hate it!
* First love: My one and only husband
* Last beverage drank: water
* Last food consumed: Pork chop
* Last phone call: my mama
* Last time showered: Today
* Last CD played: Brainy Baby for my daughter (just this AM)
* Last website visited: Love's Haven
* Single or taken: Taken of course!
* Gender: Female
* Birthday: February 4
* Sign: Aquarius
* Shoe size: 6 1/2 or 7
* Thinking about: Our trip to Bohol this coming October (our 3rd wed anniv & at the same time my Princess's 2nd birthday)
1.) Me and Mine
2.) Creative in Me
3.) Little Peanut
4.) For the LOVE of Food
5.) Pea in a Pod
6.) SugarMagnolias
7.) Blogsilog
8.) Captured Memories
9.) Cherry’s Comfort Zone
10.) Thinking Out Loud
11.) Wishing and Hoping
12.) Buzzy Me
13.) My Precious Niche
14.) Just Me.. Eds
15.) Eds Mommy Life
16.) Can of Thoughts
17.) Designs By Vhiel
18.) Vhiel's Corner
19.) Anything and Everything in Between
20.) Mommy Earns Money Online
21.) Blessings and Beyond
22.) Pinay Mommy Online
23.) Bogie's Wonderland
24.) Love's Haven
25.) YOU!
Now, I am tagging Koko. Nice xa!
Hate Late!

Later when I was in my high school years, never did I got some tardiness in my report card. Whew! I couldn't believed it, perfect attendance plus no tardiness at all. Here we go during my college days, there were times that I was late in my class but to my surprise I thought they already started but guess what? our teacher was the one who got late..Hahaha!
But what makes me hate the most? When someone that I've made an agreement with that we will meet at a certain time and doesn't come on time. Wow! don't expect me that I will be happy of what you did. My patience for waiting is so short...I easily get mad, my friends knows me well when it comes to coming on time.
Every time I failed in coming on time, I really blamed myself or somebody else who made me came late. Just like during my big event in life i really hated it coz I was late for an hour. (big sigh**). Anyway, there's no such thing as perfect wedding. Most of it has its own floss..
Now that I am working, tardiness is a big no! no!. As per policy of our office, we were only allowed to have tardiness for 5x only per month. If you wish to have a 6x late then it will be a memorable for you. You will get a Memorandum (hahaha) and your performance will be affected. As to my case, I have already incurred a 5X late this month. I always remind my husband to sleep early so that we can get off from bed early and there's no reason why I will be late! Tell me, does anyone of you here don't hate to be late?
July 1, 2008
My Top 10 People!
1. How did you meet number 9?
She was my classmate back then our college days...
2. Do you have a crush on anyone up there?
Yeah..my one and only Honey! # 1
3. What would you do if you hadn't met number 1?
Maybe, I was out of the country now having married with a foreign one...hahahah!!! I can't imagine myself.
She's the bestfriend of Koko and happened also to be my classmate when we where still college.
Yes! That's my daughter... so soon when she grows older! I think we will be the best of friends.
7. Whose number 9's best friend(s)?
She has a bestfriend named Teret who resides now in Australia.
Of course, for almost 6 years we've been dating out as always!
Not that much kay magkita man me once in a while...
A super friend..Super talkative friend..dli mahutdan ug stories..A friend indeed!
She is a homebuddy sis...an introvert one!
Many times especially during the month of May and during our Thesis days..our 2nd home...
Yes, she is my sister and I miss her a lot since she's away from the country.
15. Ever been in the same bed as any of the numbers?
YEs.. almost all of them. But as always # 1& 2.
He’s my brother who loves to talk a lot!
18. Would you date no. 5?
Yes, since most of his time are spend with his friends in Cebu.
19. Love them all?
Yes of course!